– Wednesday-
March 5th, 2025
Dr. Dollinger will discuss the importance of advocacy by nurses; differentiate lobbying and advocacy; discuss strategies for advocacy including understanding the policy and political process, communication with legislators and visits to district and capitol offices. Dr. Dollinger will also discuss the current DNA advocacy agenda at the national level.
A Pilot's Journey with Pemphigus Vulgaris is a patient's journey from diagnosis, severe disease, treatment, and finally remission. All while attempting to continue a career as an airline pilot and how this journey has affected a patient's career and family.
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common form of eczema, with a significant multidimensional burden of disease that negatively affects quality of life. While itch has been characterized as the most troublesome physical symptom of AD, in this session we will explore the correlation and impact of AD on mental health from the patient and caregiver perspective. The session will combine data presentation from NEA’s real-world research program, alongside a panel discussion with healthcare providers and AD patients/caregivers focused on opportunities and challenges with addressing mental health as part of AD care.
Difficult patients/people elicit emotions in us we'd prefer not to have. These people may be patients, colleagues, staff and others in your life. Let's find creative ways of dealing with them, making peace, not war! It takes two people to make situations "difficult.” What part do you play? What can you learn about yourself and them? We’ll ask our audience to suggest difficult scenarios, e.g. the demanding, controlling, non-compliant or unappreciative patient/person, and generate many different approaches to solving these frustrating situations. Handouts will be provided giving “answers” to how to handle medicine and life’s most frustrating interactions. This session will be touching, filled with smiles and heartfelt insights and be, by the way, excellent for risk management. Guaranteed to be memorable, practical, and life/spirit enriching!
Invitation Only