LGBTQIA+ patients face emotional, psychological, cultural and biological challenges unique to their gender identification and lifestyle. These patients develop both common dermatoses and cutaneous concerns specific to their sexual orientation. This presentation will offer a review of current scholarly articles. The purpose of the review is to enhance the knowledge of dermatology caregivers of the special needs and concerns of patients of the LGBTQIA+ community. The ultimate goal of this presentation is to promote respectful interactions and cultural sensitivity with this underserved patient population.
ANCC Credits: 1
Victoria Lazareth MA, MSN, NP-C, DCNP is a Board Certified Dermatology Nurse Practitioner who has provided patients with General Dermatology care and Dermatologic Surgery for over 20 years. Victoria is a lecturer for multiple professional organizations, a contributing author to a dermatology textbook, the published author of Dermatology articles a content editor for the JDNA and the JCAD, and currently serves on the DCNP Recertification Committee. Speaker’s Bureau for AANP, DNA, Maui Derm NP/PA, and NPACE; and Consultant for boehringer Ingelhiem, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Incyte.